Bodyworks by Lisa
Because life is better with less tension
I have always had passion for health and wellness. In 2011 I decided to pursue my passion through the practice of Massage Therapy. With a focus of maintaining my practice towards the fitness community I continued my education in Medical Massage Therapy. This has prepared me well to address a multitude of issues ranging from injuries acquired by motor vehicle accidents, sports, work related injuries, to chronic pains and dysfunctions an individual may have experienced throughout their life. With a clinical approach to my practice I structure my massages to address the individual needs of each client creating an optimal outcome-based treatment plan.


Massage Services
Relax and heal
30 Minute Massage - $65
60 Minute Massage - $100
90 Minute Massage - $135
60 Minute Packages
2 Massage Sessions $190
3 Massage Sessions $270
4 Massage Sessions $340
Wellness Member rates $90
One one- hour massage per month.
$10 discount on all massage services.
Ultra Wellness member rates $125​
0ne ninety-minute massage per month.
$10 discount on all massage services.
"Our life is what our thoughts make it"
Marcus Aurelius

600 Central Ave SE Suite 232
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 480-4518